Tips from a certified Doula

Teaching you how to prepare for birth mentally & physically is my passion. Being a certified Body Ready Method Pro® only gives me more expertise and knowledge in how to prepare your body for the task at hand - pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum recovery.

If you would like to work with me by having a one on one Body Ready Method Birth Prep Session, just set up a FREE consultation with me and let me know!

4 Things I Learned From My Last Birth as a Doula

4 Things I Learned From My Last Birth as a Doula

I'm always taking detailed notes during labors with my clients, hoping to grow in my practical, hands-on skills, and observational skills and therefore be a better doula for the next birth. Let me sha... ...more


August 10, 20246 min read

5 Tips to labor at Home as long as possible

5 Tips to labor at Home as long as possible

How your labor will go is a huge unknown, even if you have had a baby before. Of course, if this is your first labor, you don't have that previous experience to help you understand you don't know wha... ...more

pregnancy ,Labor

July 05, 20245 min read

The Last Days of Pregnancy: The Time of Zwischen

The Last Days of Pregnancy: The Time of Zwischen

“The last days of pregnancy — sometimes stretching to agonizing weeks — are a distinct place, time, event, stage. It is a time of in between.” - Jana Studelska ...more


June 05, 20244 min read