Betsy the Doula Blog

4 Things I Learned From My Last Birth as a Doula

4 Things I Learned From My Last Birth as a Doula

I'm always taking detailed notes during labors with my clients, hoping to grow in my practical, hands-on skills, and observational skills and therefore be a better doula for the next birth. Let me share 4 things I learned from my client's last birth that might benefit YOU as you look forward to your own birth.

5 Tips to labor at Home as long as possible

5 Tips to labor at Home as long as possible

How your labor will go is a huge unknown, even if you have had a baby before. Of course, if this is your first labor, you don't have that previous experience to help you understand you don't know what you don't know. Below are what I teach and stress to my in-person birth clients about labor.

The Last Days of Pregnancy: The Time of Zwischen

The Last Days of Pregnancy: The Time of Zwischen

“The last days of pregnancy — sometimes stretching to agonizing weeks — are a distinct place, time, event, stage. It is a time of in between.” - Jana Studelska